Hi! My name is Rafaello. I'm a 17 year old. I, like most of you, love to use technology, and especially love to browse the internet.
When I first started using the internet (when I was around 8 or 9), it was a strange place to me. Of course, everybody told me to not use my real name on the internet, don't share data etc.. So I didn't. Over time however, I started to put a bit of my personal data online, such as my name, and so forth. Now, I look at it, and realize just how much of my personal details are online, and just how much corporations have access to.
For example, Target would track exactly what you had purchased, and an algorithm could figure out whether the customer was pregnant, often before other members of the woman's family even knew.
Now I'm not saying the internet is all evil, or is out to get you. But I am saying that we need to be more careful with what data we have online, and how it gets used.
Throughout this blog, I hope to be writing about computer security in general, both at a personal, and at a large scale (such as cyber warfare or industrial espionage level). I also aim to write about about internet privacy, and how to protect your data. Also expect some random pieces about really cool technology I'm reading about, or whatever's on my mind. I hope to update this once a week, maybe more.